NVC – Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent communication is a process of communicating through body language and verbal language without the use of power and force. It is a process that helps in understanding oneself and others better.

Nonviolent communication is based on the premise that human beings are innately good and have the potential to be loving, kind, and compassionate. By practicing nonviolent communication, we can help ourselves and our loved ones to grow in relationships by becoming more aware of what we need from each other.

Source: NVC – Nonviolent Communication

AI’s Impact on the News Industry

AI is changing the news industry by making it more accessible and more efficient. AI is also making it easier for journalists to find the right stories and be able to generate content on their own.

In this section, we will explore how AI is changing the news industry. We will start with a definition of AI, then discuss how AI has been used in the past few years, and finally talk about how AI is changing the future of journalism.

AI stands for artificial intelligence. It refers to a branch of computer science that deals with creating intelligent machines that can think, learn, communicate – just like humans do.

With all these capabilities, it’s no surprise that AI has been slowly taking over various industries like transportation and healthcare for years now.

Source: AI’s Impact on the News Industry

Animal Agriculture

Animal agriculture is the process of raising animals for food, fiber, or both. It includes all aspects of raising domesticated animals and livestock to produce food and other products.

Animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, land use, water use, water pollution and natural resource depletion. In 2016 it was responsible for 14.5% of human-induced greenhouse gases globally.

Today’s animal agriculture has become so industrialized that it causes serious environmental problems such as air pollution, climate change and land degradation. These problems have led to the development of alternatives through veganism and vegetarianism which are more environmentally friendly than traditional animal agriculture.

Source: Animal Agriculture