Remote Workers Are Killing Cities

This article is about the impact that remote workers are having on cities. It talks about how they are killing cities, and mentions the negative effects it has on the environment, and how it may lead to a crisis in the future.

The article starts out by talking about how remote workers have a negative impact on the environment. The author talks about how people who work from home or from an office in another city don’t contribute to traffic congestion or air pollution, but they do contribute to water pollution by using more resources than people who commute to work every day. The author also mentions that people who work remotely may not be as physically active as those who commute and spend their days at an office. This leads to obesity, which has been linked to many diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

The article then goes into detail about the potential crisis in our future due to remote working. It talks about how more companies are starting up with remote workers, which increases competition for jobs in major

Source: Remote Workers Are Killing Cities

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